How Do I Apply for a Foster Horse?
You can either download a Fostering Application Form by clicking the button at the bottom of this page or write to us requesting a Form, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope.
Your completed application is passed to our Fostering Division, who will assess your application. If the application is accepted, we will then review the list of horses/ponies available for re-homing, and attempt to match you to a horse/pony. Each horse has a profile of the type of fosterer we think it will need, and this will be consulted as part of this process.
- It is our policy not to re-home any horse or pony under the age of two years.
- We do not allow our fostered horses to be bred from.
- We do not allow Fosterers to enter into a private loan arrangements with third parties with our horses/ponies
- Fostering applicants must be aged 18 years or over
What Happens Next?
Once your completed Foster application form has been received it is passed on to our fostering division who will assess your application. If it is accepted, we will then review our horses and ponies available for re-homing in an attempt to match your requirements. Each horse has a profile of the type of owner we think it will need and this will be consulted as part of the process.
If we are unable to match your application at the time it is received, you will be informed by email or letter within 48 hours of receipt of the application. Your details will then be placed on our waiting list. If and when a suitable horse or pony becomes available we will contact you to discuss the horse with you. If you are interested in going forward to the next stage of the fostering process, an appointment will be made for you to come to the sanctuary and meet the horse.
Testing your Knowledge and Experience
At this pre-arranged appointment we will discuss the basic requirement of the horse you are looking to foster. Does the horse have any ongoing medical conditions and are you able to cope with the conditions they may have? Are you confident and experienced enough to take on a youngster?
If at this stage we feel you do not have the relevant experience, support or will not be able to cater to the horses requirements then we will not proceed any further with other foster process. Our decision on this will be final. the welfare of our horses an ponies remains our primary concern at all times.
Meeting the Potential Foster Horse/Pony
You will then be introduced to your potential foster horse/pony.
For rideable animals you will see the horse/pony tacked up and ridden by one of our team. Should you still wish to proceed then we shall expect to see you walk, trot and canter on both reins on the horse/pony (dependent on what stage it’s at in its ridden training). This is also dependent on the fitness of the horse and/or the ground conditions at the time.
For companion horses (non rideable) we will need to see you handling the horse, leading and picking out feet etc.
Handling the Horse/Pony
After this, you will be able to spend some time with the horse or pony, grooming them and getting them to know them a little better. All potential fosterers are given the opportunity of coming back to ride the horse/pony at another pre-arranged appointment should they request it.
Is this the Horse/pony for you?
We will then discuss whether you think the horse or pony is suitable for you, and whether we think you are suitable for the particular horse or pony. If all is well, you will then have five days to think about whether or not you would like to go ahead and foster the horse or pony. If we have not received a response from you by the end of this period, we will assume that you are no longer interested, and alternative fostering arrangements will be made. If you decide you wish to proceed with the application, we move onto the Home Assessment.
The Home assessment
The next stage is the Home Assessment. One of our Fostering Officers will arrange to visit you to carry out an assessment on the place where you would like to keep a horse, and also to meet you in your own environment.
Should there be a problem with the Home Assessment, and the Society feels that this is sufficient reason to refuse to consider your Fostering Application further, you will be informed as soon as possible after the Home Assessment has taken place.
We like to be as transparent about the reasons for our decisions as possible, and will therefore inform you fully of the reason for your rejection. If, at a later date, you feel you have addressed the issue that prevented you from being considered as a fosterer, we would be only too happy to reconsider you.
Setting up a Fostering agreement and what happens next
If the Home Assessment is successful, you will be invited to enter into a legal Fostering Agreement with the Society. It is at this stage that you:
(1) make your donation to the Society;
(2) become, and remain, a Member of the Charity for the duration of your fostering term (one of EHPPS’ fostering requirements); and
(3) take your foster horse/pony to your appointed livery yard.
It is your responsibility to arrange transport for your new horse or pony to the place where you would like to keep them. Once yu have your new horse home, you can start to enjoy yourselves together. During the first six months that your foster horse/pony is with you, one of our Fostering Officers will carry out three checks. After the first two years of foster, fostering checks will be carried out once a year for the rest of the horses life.
At each foster check the fostering log sheets you have been completing will need to be handed, completed to the Fostering Officer carrying out the check. They will need to see the passport and a copy of your up-to-date equine insurance policy will also be required by your Fostering Officer at this stage.
What If Something Goes wrong?
If you feel you are experiencing a behavioural problem with a horse or pony you have fostered from us, then please call us on 01268 584603 and we will arrange for one of our officers to come out and see you. If, for instance, you are experiencing financial problems, or have a family illness that is going to prevent you from being able to look after your fostered horse or pony in the long term, please contact s to arrange their return to the sanctuary. Any horse or pony returned to the sanctuary must be returned with all Equine Log Sheets fully completed and up-to-date. if you have allowed the horses vaccinations to lapse then you will be billed for the three courses and veterinary call out fees required to restart.
If you have any queries regarding Fostering, please call 01268 584603 or email [email protected]
Our horses and ponies’ welfare remains our primary concern at all times.
It is vitally important to us where our animals are placed in foster homes and is not a process that we rush.
Therefore, the fostering processes are carried out strictly by pre-arranged appointments only.
EHPPS uses the expertise of our staff to train and fully assess all our youngsters in readiness for fostering. This gives them the best possible start in life.
The training takes as long as each individual horse or pony requires. It is vitally important to us that our horses are not only in expert hands, but that they are treated with patience and kindness at all times.
Our staff also assess any rideable horses and ponies that are returned from foster. This process gives us a clear picture of any vices or problems the horse may have developed which the team can then rectify.
If we are unable to match your application at the time it is received, you will be informed by letter within 48 hours of receipt of such application. Your details will then be placed on our waiting list.
It is vitally important to us that horse and rider/handler are properly matched.
Our trainers provides a full written assessment of freshly backed and schooled horses.