Without the incredible support we receive from our wonderfully generous, kind and loyal supporters the sanctuary would not be able to survive. We are extremely grateful for all the help we receive whether this is financial support, help with fundraising, hands-on help with the horses, or carrying out work around the sanctuary which saves us money.
Regular gifts can play an essential part in allowing us to work more effectively. Knowing that we have a regular amount of money coming in each month gives us the security to budget and plan for the future. Your regular gift can contribute to this and really make a difference.
Below we outline the main ways you can help us to continue our work and enable us to keep rescuing, rehabilitating and – where possible – re-homing horses and ponies and immeasurably improving the quality of their lives.
You can help by donating. We appreciate all donations which help us with our vital work – not just those of monetary value.
- If you would like to make a regular donation, please download our Standing Order form.
- Or PayPal.
- By Bacs into our account:
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 70594814 – SORT CODE 20 04 96 - By cheque made payable to ‘Essex Horse and Pony Protection Society’ and posted to EHPPS, Pitsea Hall Lane, Basildon, Essex, SS16 4UH.
- By cash handed in to the sanctuary.
- By purchasing something on a wishlist through Amazon.
- By remembering us in your will.
- Gift Aid: Gift Aid allows us to increase the value of your donation by 25%. If you donate £10, EHPPS gets £12.50. This costs you nothing, it is the UK taxman’s way of helping charities. Providing you are an income tax payer in the UK, all you need to do is tick the box on the Gift Aid form. Then we can reclaim the tax that you have already paid on the amount of your donation. You only need to do this once. We can continue to claim the tax on any donations you make in the future until you tell us to stop. Click here to download a Gift Aid form.

You can additionally help by:
- Displaying one of our collecting tins at your place of work, your stables or local pub (please email: [email protected] if you would like us to send you one).
- Donating Gifts in kind that we can either raffle, use for tombolas or auction.
- Coming to our Tack and Rug sales and donating items for us to sell that you no longer need.
- Shop through Give As You Live and sign up to support Essex Horse and Pony Protection Society. Each time you shop on-line at one of the 4000+ retailers, EHPPS will receive commission on your purchases. It doesn’t cost you a penny and can often save you money. What more incentive do you need to shop online?
- Like our Facebook page and spread the word by sharing our posts.
- Follow us on Twitter.
- Like our Instagram
- Follow us on TikTok
- Become a member of EHPPS.
- Support one of our exciting events or organise your own on our behalf.
- Invite us to come and give a talk to your group about our work by emailing [email protected]
- Volunteer your time or services.