Breed: Welsh Section B
Colour: Grey
Gender: Mare
Height: 13hh
Date of Birth: 2004
Medical Conditions: None known
Foster Donation: £100
***Requires sedation via vet to have hooves trimmed***
Story: In January 2019 RSPCA officers and fire fighters were called to rescue Puddles after she was discovered neck high in a ditch. She had been found by a farmer earlier that afternoon, and it was lucky she was spotted at all, the only things you could see were a pair of little grey ears, the rest of her was obscured by thick black sludge. She was taken to an equine vets in North Essex to be checked over and recover whilst the RSPCA appealed to find her owner. She had no microchip present so her owner could not be traced. EHPPS agreed to take her in after her waiting period was over.
Personality: Puddles is a sweet but very nervous pony. She is a complicated soul. She gets on well with all her field companions within a mixed herd.
Experience: We’re not sure what this little lady went through prior to her arrival here but she is incredibly timid. She can be very difficult to catch and prefers her headcollar to be put on a certain way. Puddles is very sensitive around her ears leading us to believe that she may have had her ears twitched in the past. She will allow you to groom her but you must be calm and quiet around her, going at her pace. She requires sedating by the vet to have her hooves trimmed and will rear if the vet attempts to be too forceful, they must take their time or risk not being able to administer the sedation or the sedation being less effective. We are currently working towards her accepting her feet trim with just oral sedation.
Type of Home: Puddles is searching for a human version of the unicorn. Someone quiet who is in no rush to ask anything of her. She has been at the Sanctuary for 4 years and, despite coming on a long way since her arrival, we feel that there may be someone special out there willing and experienced enough to teach this tormented soul that humans aren’t all bad. We know there’s someone out there for her, we have everything crossed that she finds them.
***If you would like to find out more or think you could give this sensitive soul the home she deserves then we ask that you complete a foster application form in the first instance. More information on fostering a pony from us can be found along with a downloadable copy of the foster application at the following link:
Once completed either email a copy to: [email protected] or post to EHPPS, Pitsea Hall Lane. Basildon, Essex SS16 4UH